Thursday, September 17, 2009


correction: it's a 16 km gut, not a 26 km gut - still, that's a little ove 145 football fields (to check, please use the idea that 1football field = 0.11 km)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New facts - Ill try to make them interesting

My histology class gave me this fact today (with some background too):

So cells within the body either get murdered or commit suicide on a daily basis, actually billions of them do, daily. In adults its like 10 more billion than in adolescents. So anyways, if cells did not die in some way, an average adult human would have a gut that spanned 26 km in length - that's a little distrubing isn't it. I think it's hard enough to lose a gut now, we would all just give up at that point.

In my Doctor-Patient Relationship class (a break from strict science), I learned that Dominicans have a very long and arduous funeral process as opposed to Jews who have to bury the body within 24 hours - they "steal it from the ICU before anyone can decide what's next." All this coming from a short, 60-something, mumbling, I believe, French professor, who is just so absolutely adorable. I love old people.

Oh and more exciting news, I bought the best things since sliced bread today, TURKEY BREAST- deli style. It was expensive ($12 for 9 ounces) so I'll be using it only every once in a while until October (when the expiration date comes), but it was worth it. They don't have things like that here normally. I was so excited - especially since if you all know me well enough, I'm a huge meat fan - I get cranky when I don't eat meat. I even had a conversation with a real-live, moving cow today. She's always there on my way to and from school, so I might just begin a friendship; she's nice and she's always eating (just like me). :)

Alright, now time to re-read a lecture from today and then go to bed. I have Friday off because it's "US reseachers present research" day, so all the faculty have to attend and none of the students. Therefore, 3-day study weekend (the pool will be included in there somewhere and the beach for a few hours), but then catch-up and full review.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

In between classes

Hello everyone,

Im in between classes so I thought I would write a quick note:

So far I have learned that sperm are the major cause of mutations, so look at it any way you want - men are the major movers of forward evolution OR they really just mess things up, like causing mutations for new diseases (or old), wich they do through these mutations sometimes.

I also learned that females are the ones who give newborn children (all of the newborn children) their mitochondria, which is the major energy creating enter of our bodies, so ha. But it also uses pretty much most of the oxygen that we acquire to create this energy, so take your pick of how you want to see it.

Just some quick facts for you :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Eugene!

I'll make this one a little shorter than others because I haven't done too much since the last post, but today is my cousin Eugene's 21st birthday so if you now him or see him, please wish him a happy birthday. Im so sad I couldn't be there to celebrate with him, so help me in doing so. We'll have to really celebrate in December :) 94 days and counting until I get home.

Also, I went on my river tubing tour today and it was more like white water rafting, but so completely fun. I fell off on the first set of rapids and bumped my butt like 12 times on the rocks on the way down, butIm okay. It was a little scary but it as also kind of fun. I had a helmet on and a life jacket for those of you who just inhaled at this description. Im fine. dont have pictures from it really because I didnt want to get my camera wet, but I do have one from afterwards when we're on the bus, and a picture of the mpsquito bites I have - I look like Im infected but the reality is mosquitos thrive in a humid environment and apparently, on me as well.

So anyways, please wish Eugene a Happy Birthday if you know him and I'll try to post soon again.
