Thursday, October 8, 2009

Test 1

Hello all!

I passed my first test as most of you have already heard because I put it on facebook and emailed family and such, and I guess we find out the final and actual score by tomorrow (or so they say). I'll let you know if it changes anything because it very well could if they throw out questions.

So after the test we went out to the beach bash(sponsired by the school, but basically paid by us in our tuition) which was a lot of fun - we had burgers/ribs, music, FREE JUICE - which is ALWAYS exciting, and water activities. Then people always stay out by the hotel bar (right outside of my residence) and get drinks there and just well, hang out. Following this activity we went DANCING- yay, my favorite activity. We danced for like 1.5 hours straight and I forgot how much I missed something as simple as movement - it made the entire experience SO much better. It was of course outside because there are no inside bars here really (or none that I know of at least) and I was sweating my butt of but it was a good workout and an overall fun evening out with some of the girls I met here. My friend Alex is hilarious, she cut her foot open on the beach because she walked into a tree stump so the EMS stopped by and wrapped it for her because it wouldn't stop bleeding and because Staph infections are common here since the water is not fully clean - I think they were overly excited because they just sit around and wait for people to call and they were there in like 5 minutes (on foot - they dont drive here for that kind of stuff unless you're dying). So when we went dancing I thought for SURE she would be in pain, but no, the girl basically crawled on the floor while dancing and I think she got the attention of a few locals. It was hilarious needless to say and something I could never do, but more power to her - she even had a dance to a Brittany Spears song (imagine that). We left at 1 am when everyone else was arriving, which is sad because we had class at 9 the next day and MOST of the class didnt make it - I had 7 hours of sleep, I was fine. We're hoping to go dancing this Friday though, so we'll see if that actually happens.

Tomorrow I have my Histology practical exam, worth 7% of my grade in that class and the rest of the day off, so I will be in the anatomy lab for a while after that because I have my anatomy practical the following Thursday and it turns into a mad house this weekend because everyone wants to look at the bodies again. Everyone will still be in class on Friday (or at least the other semester students will) so Im hoping to get in before there is a huge rush. Then Saturday I have a "mock" practical at 4:30pm so I will for SURE be there for that.

Now off to yet another antomy lab - today I get to record our dissection,which is of the arm. This should take like 4-5 hours. Miss you all - 69 more days!
