Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New facts - Ill try to make them interesting

My histology class gave me this fact today (with some background too):

So cells within the body either get murdered or commit suicide on a daily basis, actually billions of them do, daily. In adults its like 10 more billion than in adolescents. So anyways, if cells did not die in some way, an average adult human would have a gut that spanned 26 km in length - that's a little distrubing isn't it. I think it's hard enough to lose a gut now, we would all just give up at that point.

In my Doctor-Patient Relationship class (a break from strict science), I learned that Dominicans have a very long and arduous funeral process as opposed to Jews who have to bury the body within 24 hours - they "steal it from the ICU before anyone can decide what's next." All this coming from a short, 60-something, mumbling, I believe, French professor, who is just so absolutely adorable. I love old people.

Oh and more exciting news, I bought the best things since sliced bread today, TURKEY BREAST- deli style. It was expensive ($12 for 9 ounces) so I'll be using it only every once in a while until October (when the expiration date comes), but it was worth it. They don't have things like that here normally. I was so excited - especially since if you all know me well enough, I'm a huge meat fan - I get cranky when I don't eat meat. I even had a conversation with a real-live, moving cow today. She's always there on my way to and from school, so I might just begin a friendship; she's nice and she's always eating (just like me). :)

Alright, now time to re-read a lecture from today and then go to bed. I have Friday off because it's "US reseachers present research" day, so all the faculty have to attend and none of the students. Therefore, 3-day study weekend (the pool will be included in there somewhere and the beach for a few hours), but then catch-up and full review.


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