Sunday, October 18, 2009

Another teacher-ism

Dr. Riviere: "Kiss Sarah, Sarah." Me thinking in class: "What is he talking about?"

Realization: He was trying to sau Que Sera, Sera, which in Spanish means "what will be, will be." But he said is just like you would read what I wrote. It was hilarious. He also kept mentioning how Huntington's Disease stage 1 starts in your 30s and apparently one of the symptoms is "anamalistic sex" AND "strong sexual desires." Now, I get it, but he continued to mention this in class OVER and OVER again. Every time I read his notes or his name is brought up, all I can think about is "anamalistic sex" - THOSE TWO SHOULD NOT BE SYNONYMOUS.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, keep the teacher-isms and the play-by-plays of the cow boxing coming. Mel and I are loving them!
