Saturday, November 14, 2009

My clumsiness

First before I get to the story, I am attaching a link to the song that I just recently discovered and I just love - maybe it has to do with the fact that it's called "Dirty Dancing" like the movie and they even mention Patrick Swayze's name in it, I don't know, but the beat is pretty good too. If you're interested, please check it out on You Tube: And YES, it is the New Kids On the Block, but it is very good. The video is a bit much and a little funny as a result, but the song is amazing!

Oky, so now on to my dumbness. So sometimes when it gets hot throughout the night here (which is often) I toss and turn a lot to find a cool spot on the pillow. Well last night was no exception except that at like 6 am as I flip over I happen to land, with my head, onto the edge of my nightstand. Let me just say it was not a nice pain in any way. BUT, I remember thinking, this hurts A LOT and then just going rightback to bed. I didnt even get up to look at it or even put something on it. I must have been exhausted. So today I have a HUGE bruise on the left side of the head and I can't sleep on that side. I wish I had taped it though because I KNOW it would have been funny to watch.

And last night, my friends ALMOST got into a fight. I think people need a break badly cause tempers have been rising fast and easy. One wanted to walk home, one wanted apparently to keep talking to this boy she has a crush on, and the one wanting to go home said something like "well I was making this about me and wanting you to walk home with me, but I guess we can make it about you" and the other one responded with "yeah, can we?" and walked the other way. I understand it was not pretty. Both are okay with each other today, but still. NOT GOOD. And people are dropping like flies from the study spaces, it's weird. Usually there is not a space left to sit where I study, today there were at most like 40 people here, normally it's like 200 or more. So far so good for me so don't worry.Im listening to the dirty dancing and it's making me feel much better :)

Oh and tomorrow, Im going snorkeling. I'm so excited, I've never been and it won't be anything amazing because it's just off of the beach here but some friends have the gear so we're all going - yay! I hear it's beautiful even off of the beach and not somewhere deep-ocean style.

And today I put on some pants and found out I have aparently lost some weight - hooray! :) They don't really fit anymore, just kind of fall! And I have muscles - yay! I lift more than some of the really skinny guys here (but they're guys non-the-less so it makes me feel better)...haha.

Okay and finally, another one of the famous professor stories. So apparently, one of the anatomy teachers, who is young (29) and from India, slept with two of his students back in India and then failed them when they broke up and that's why he is here because he was fired from his job there when the students told and proved the fact. But what made it more "real" here is that my friend Alex friended him as a joke on facebook and not only did he accept her request, he also messaged her with a "are you a first semester" so she said yes. He proceeded to ask her if it was her that he saw in a black dress and white shoes at the lunch area 2 days ago (why does he know specifics like that?) And she said yes, and he told her that next time, he would make it a fact to say hello and that she looked "very pretty." So yesterday she went in to ask him questions about anatomy that's she's struggling with and Alex has a few tatoos, one high on her neck and apparently he saw it, and started asking her all of these questions about it and asked if she had other tattoos - she does, but not in places a professor should see, like lower back, so she said yes and left it at that. Thankfully he didn't ask her to see them. Im sorry, all of this may sound innocent, but it seems like crossing the line a bit when it's a student and a professor. I told her that if she wasn't careful there might be problems because he teaches us next semester too. She's not interested, but still, you never know.

Okay, done. Hope you're all enjoying your weekend!



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