Monday, November 9, 2009


I have picked up some very interesting nicknames while on this island: so what do we all think?

1. Babsy

2. Babinski

3. Barbarosa

4. Babs

5. Beebs

I think my favorite is Babinski - maybe it's cause it ends in an -inski and it works with my background since everything Russian/that side of the world ends in -inski it seems. Definitely interesting but I don't mind them. They are FAR better than Barbie - that is NOT okay.

Some of you have heard this sotry, so sorry but for the rest, it defines the idea of crazy:

I went out to dinner with a few girls and one of the girls that came along was new (her name is Marela). She tells us that during her first week here she had to find a new apartment ASAP, so she goes on explain that basically before she moved here she went on facebook to the Ross University group and a girl messaged her to see if she wanted to live with her down here. After a few conversation over the phone and such, they decided to go ahead with it to save some money. A week after she gets here her roomate tells her and has something important to tell her and that she doesn't tell a lot of people. So Marela's like, sure, go ahead. Well this girl tells her that she is from the outside world. Marela's like "okkaaayy" weird, but okay. Then the girl tell her that they are actually sisters and that Marela's son (Marela is in her mid 30s) is actually her husband, and that they are meant to be here to change the world. Marela freaks, tell her she doesn't care anymore and doesn't want to hear any of it anymore. The girls starts yelling at her about "how could you" and "you'll pay for this," etc. So the next day Marela is like, okay Im going to be a doctor someday, I have to deal with these kinds of people so I have to give it a try and just listen. Next day she does listen and the girls goes on. She tells her that "they," meaning angels, told her she had to become an MD so that people believe her with that reputation and that by the age of 50 she has to write a book about her experiences. She says that Marela and her souls are just taking over people's bodies but that soon they will be free. This girls continues to say that she has been to therapy since she was 8 years old because her mom thinks she's crazy and she on two different depression pills and that 1/2 ofher family thinks she crazy but that the other half knows that she is a prophet, which according to her, she is. So Marela is freaking out by this time cause she's only known the girl for a week, and she decides that she will stay awake all night to see what happens because she just knew she had to. So at 3 am, her roomate wakes up and goes on the porch and just sits there for like 15 minutes, next thing Marela knows is that she hears her own room door slowly creaking open. THE GIRL SAT THERE AND WATCHED HER SLEEP FOR 20 MINUTES. Now I dont know about you all, but that's a little more than just kind of scary, on more than one level. I mean what if she was planning her death or something. So anyways, the next day, Marela knows she HAS to move out for safety reasons so she goes to the director here and tells her the entire story. The director agrees, Marela AMAZINGLY finds an apartment randomly and she goes home at lunch to pack so that her roomate won't know and I don't know, kill her because she has a meltdown. So she goes home and of COURSE, her roomate is home for some reason and not in class. But thankfully she says she is going to take a nap so Marela packs all of her stuff and takes it down to the shuttle waiting downstairs. And just as she is doing her last round around to check with her stuff, her roomate wakes up. Marela decides to at least tell her that she is moving, so she opens her door tells her and the girls freaks out and yells at the top of her lungs "I can't believe you're doing this to me, if you don't get out of my face right now, Im going to KILL you RIGHT NOW." Marela RAN downstairs and the bus driver heard all of it and was like "get in, we gotta get out of here ASAP." So an hour later, security pick up Marel'as roomate and they had to sedate her at the clinic here for the ENTIRE evening cause she was going crazy, yelling and threatening Marela's life. And the best part is that this girl is STILL HERE. They didn't send her home to the US. Marela has a restraining order against her here in Dominica. She's tried threatening her a few times and has tried to follow her home but somehow Marela has avoided her and she has late;ly left her alone since Marela's husband came to visit (he's a big guy). So anyways, once again, I repeat, there are some weird people here.

Don't you all just love my stories? They keep my life entretaining if nothing else. Haha. Oh and the picture is from Halloween. I was supposed to be Amy Winehouse, hence the very large hair. I think I look awful, and you can't see it but we even drew tatoos on my arms. I didn't have too many resources - so I had to work with something :) The other girl is my friend Alex, who is supposed to be Britney Spears cerca "Hit Me Baby One More Time."
Hope you all enjoyed that.

1 comment:

  1. Fighting cows, nutjob roomies with the threat of violence, drama-a-plenty and titillating costumes. You sure you're at college and not on a B-list reality show?
